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Opening of the 3rd International exhibition of boats and yachts Moscow Boat Show

20 2010

Third International exhibition of boats and yachts
Moscow Boat Show

February 20-28, 2010
Crocus Expo IEC, Pavilion 3, Exhibition hall 15

The Third exhibition of boats and yachts Moscow Boat Show one of the most significant events for yachting business professionals and active leisure fans was inaugurated February 20, 2010 in the Crocus Expo International Exhibition Centre.

With each edition Moscow Boat Show gains its popularity at yachting fans and segment specialists. The overall exhibit space comprises 18 000 sq m in 2010. 15 regions of the Russian Federation (Arkhangelsk, Vladivostok, Vyborg, Kazan, Kaluga, Moscow and Moscow Region, Nizhni Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Republic Kareliya, Samara, St.-Petersburg, Sverdlovsk area, Sevastopol and Yaroslavl region) and 10 countries (Germany, Holland, Greece, Denmark, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Russia, the USA and Finland) are participating in the project.

Press Conference on the opening of the show was held the same day. The most prominent yachtsmen of the country participated in the conference:

  • Georguiy Shaiduko, Acting President of the All-Russian Federation of Sailing Sport, Olympic champion in Atlanta;
  • Oskar Konjukhov, Ecexutive Director of the All-Russian Federation of Sailing Sport ;
  • Alexander Markarov, President of the National Marine Industry Association (NAMI);
  • Nikolai Litau, Honoured master of Sport of Russia, yachting captain;
  • Arkady Zlotnikov, First Deputy Director Crocus Expo IEC;
  • Ekaterina Grishechkina, Director of exhibition Moscow Boat Show.

All high-ranking visitors of the exhibition Moscow Boat Show-2009 came to a common opinion that further development of the branch requires state support and regulation, elimination of corruption elements and also more intensive cooperation with international organizations.

The Official Opening Ceremony of the Exhibition Moscow Boat Show-2010 was held at 01:00 p.m. in the lobby of the third pavilion Crocus Expo IEC. Dmitry Zelenin, Governor of Tver region and Chairman of Supervising Council of the All-Russian Federation of Sailing Sport, also participated in the conference.

Moscow Boat Show is a bright and unforgettable event of the exhibitions and fairs calendar which attracts mass media and thousand of visitors!

See you in Crocus Expo IEC
At the Third International exhibition of boats and yachts Moscow Boat Show!

Press Service Crocus Expo IEC
Phone: +7 (495) 727-27-57
Irina Hodjush
E-mail: hodjush@crocus-off.ru