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A submarine will be displayed at the exhibition Moscow Boat Show-2009

9 2008

A submarine will be displayed at the exhibition Moscow Boat Show-2009

Russia, probably, in the nearest future will offer a tourist product, while unknown to the world market: individual tours on a submarine. It is planned to use small submarines in extreme tourism, study of local lore and by the Ministry of Emergency Measures. And the visitors of the exhibition Moscow Boat Show will have an opportunity to see personally a similar submarine at the show which will take place February 7 through 15, 2009 at the Crocus Expo IEC.

Dmitry Bogachyov, a Moscow businessman, initiated the idea, patented and constructed a small submarine. The boat is made for two persons. Its length is 3,4 m, weight is 3,5 ton. The submarine can plunge on depth of 65 m and move with a speed of 5-6 km/hour. The advantages are not limited to the figures above: the form of an extended rhombus allows boarding the submarine from any mooring, without use of any special equipment. Dmitry Bogachyov will tell in more details about features and goals of this innovative project at an exhibition Moscow oat Show at the Crocus Expo.

The primary goal of the development is to create a rather low budget and hi-tech submarine targeted for the development of mass underwater tourism in Russia. Research of Russian lakes bottom, for example Ladoga and Onega, Baikal and others may be no less fascinating and informative compared to diving in Red and other warm seas. But tourism is only one of possible applications of a small submarine. It maybe used for economic and even for ecological purposes, for example, within the frames of the target program of Russian rivers and lakes improvement and also for exploration of oil rigs.

Launching of the boat and last tests took place July 17, 2008 at Pirogovo water basin. And all interested will have an opportunity to admire the novelty and estimate its technical characteristics February 7 through 15, 2009 in the Crocus Expo at the exhibition Moscow Boat Show where the official premiere of the submarine will take place.

Press Service Crocus Expo IEC
(based on materials Business and Exhibitions magazine, 8 from 2008)