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Photoregatta Yachts! Sea! Enjoyment! 2008 has started

3 2008

Photoregatta Yachts! Sea! Enjoyment! 2008 has started

Photo contest Yachts! Sea! Enjoyment! held in 2007 was a success and caused high interest among amateur and professional photographers.

Thus the organizer of the contest yacht-club Zelenyi Ostrov (Green Island) in cooperation with the Moscow Boat Show Management Office (Crocus Expo International Exhibition Centre) http://www.mosboatshow.ru, with official support of a yachting tour operator Adriyatik Sailing http://www.sailing.adriyatik.com announced that November 24, 2008 the 2nd International Photoregatta commenced. Yachting and photo magazines will provide informational coverage of the event. Yacht sailors and yachting fans, genuine connoisseurs of sea landscapes will have an opportunity to share impressions and plunge again into the atmosphere of unforgettable tours.

The photoregatta according to already established tradition will take place in the on-line format on the site www.gi-yachtclub.ru. Each participant of the contest can feel the spirit of rivalry, sports passion, competing for the rank of the best yachting photographer of 2008. You will feel fresh sea taste of the victory, competing for the main prize of the contest - participation in the Real Regatta! Best of the best photo-marine painters, passed the last selection tour by results of on-line voting and granted the highest points according to authoritative Expert Council, will become members of one of crews of the Sailing regatta which will take place in May 2009 in Turkey.

The most interesting works will be presented at the yacht-club Green Island stand within the frames of the International Specialized Exhibition Moscow Boat Show in the Crocus Expo IEC February 7 - 15, 2009, their authors will be also granted diplomas and valuable prizes.

All participants will be given an opportunity of active on-line dialogue during the contest. It will be possible to discuss technical yachts characteristics, and to state a point of view about works presented at the contest.

Contest terms and conditions

The 2nd International photoregatta Yachts! Sea! Enjoyment! will take place at the site www.gi-yachtclub.ru from November 24, 2008 till January 31, 2009.

Amateur and professional photos (individual or corporate), and also photocollages, photomontages, photoart pictures, photo and drawing synthesis are accepted. Works should be placed in JPEG, with the maximum size up to 800 pixels, the file should not exceed 150 Kb.

You can present the photo in one of nominations or reflect in one picture all three topics.

Contest topics: Yachts! (artworks related to engine and sailing yachts);
Sea! (artworks relayed to marine topic: sea, nature, and coastline);
Enjoyment! (You and your friends enjoying the sea).

Supplementary topics within the frames of the main topics: Marine attraction. Marine landscapes. Yacht image is not required.
By the Steering-wheel. Romantic photo raising bright positive impressions. Portraits, landscapes with a yacht image.
In the vast expanses. Yachts in movement, energy and speed to be in the focus.

Main requirement to works - show the best correlation with a topic, originality.

During the project voting will be arranged on-site where one will have an opportunity to add points and to express opinion on the works. The winners of intermediate stages (prize-winners of a week) will be defined in accordance with the audience rating (the maximum number of comments to a photo and points given). The results of on-line voting will be considered during the final results of the project. The best photographers-marine painters will be awarded in several nominations:
Best Yachting Photographer 2008 - Grand Prix will go to a photographer presented all three topics the best way.
Best Photographer 2008 - (Yachts! topic)
Best Marine Photographer 2008 - (Sea! topic)
Best Glamour Photographer in Yachting 2008 - (Enjoyment! topic)

Two supplementary nominations: The most fertile yachting photographer 2008 - maximum number of sent photos.
The best creative yachting photo process 2008 - the most creative application of image process managers.

Procedure of a photo submission for the contest:

Preliminary registration


After registration a contest participant can post photos at the website www.gi-yachtclub.ru.

Every contestant should provide contact data: Full name, phone, e-mail, and city. Please specify your full mailing address for the contest organizers to keep you informed about the contest and prizes awarded.

Be aware of copyright. Submit your own works only. The yacht-club Green Island agency will be entitled to place the best works in Mass Media aiming to provide press coverage of the event.

Every week the prize of the week will be granted to a photographer collected maximum number of comments and points.

The Awarding Ceremony for the winners in every nomination will be held within the frames of the Moscow International Exhibition Moscow Boat Show 2009 at the Crocus Expo IEC February 7-15. All contestants are invited to the awarding ceremony. For information about the exhibition please refer to the official exhibition website at http://www.mosboatshow.ru

For details please call at: +7 (495) 981-35-02, 981-35-04.
E-mail: info@gi-yachtclub.ru
WEB: http://www.gi-yachtclub.ru