
27 - 2 2025  /   /  1

Expedition to Solovki

27 2017

Fishleader team will start their 10 days expedition on motor boats to Solovki May 20. The itinerary comprises more than 1000 kilometers and it includes passing by the waterway of 2 seas and 2 Great Lakes and acquaintance to world famous sights.

The team will test during the expedition the latest equipment and Weldcraft motor boats in severe conditions.

Weldcraft boats are something special. For decades theyve tackled the planets fiercest rapids, tamed the open sea and been a platform for indelible memories, fellowship and fun. Theres a long tradition of excellence with Weldcraft and youll find it in every weld and every corner of every boat. If youre just getting acquainted with Weldcraft boats here are some pretty good reasons to choose our brand. One look at the bottom and youll know this is no ordinary welded aluminum boat. Weldcrafts dramatic reverse chine, available on its outboard models, captures water, diverting it down so you achieve superior lift and performance.

The expedition will run from May 20 and till May 30, 2017. There is an opportunity to keep updated and follow the team movements in social networks by hashtag: : #weldcraftsolovki and #weldcraftexpeditions.

For detailed information about the itinerary please refer to www.fishleader.ru